MOXIS ist die rechtssichere E-Signatur-Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen.

Two factor authentication.

XiTrust > MOXIS > Features > Two factor authentication

Ensure that sensitive documents can be accessed
only by those for whom they are intended.

Ensure that sensitive documents can be accessed only by those for whom they are intended.

Flexible and secure.

A large number of contractual documents are subject to confidentiality: sensitive content sent to external employees, customers or suppliers is usually not intended for a third set of eyes. MOXIS makes digital contracting with end customers not only easy, but secure as well.

MOXIS makes it easy to sign at the point of sale. Signers do not need a signature pad for this. This is made possible by a QR code that is called up directly in MOXIS: When scanned, the document opens on the desired mobile device, e.g. a smartphone or tablet, and can be signed directly.

Access to the document is secured by specifying a mobile phone number with a second factor. This is independent of whether the document is accessed via the sent e-mail or via the QR code. Only after entering the SMS-TAN (optional), the sensitive contract contents are visible and can then be viewed and signed as usual.

In the case of a qualified signature, for example using xIDENTITY, fingerprint or Face ID is also required. After successful completion of the signature process, the signed documents can be downloaded by the end customers themselves via the MOXIS download portal. Here, additional security can be activated via SMS-TAN as well. With MOXIS, all confidential information remains absolutely secure, even when accessed externally.
Auslösen einer qualifizierten elektronischen Signatur (QES) per Fingerprint.

Fingerprint or Face ID is used for a qualified, legally valid signature.

MOXIS has a lot more to offer.
Get to know other features.

invite external parties to sign documents
sign multiple documents simultaneously in batch
enrich and edit your documents with form fields
configurable workflows adapt to your processes
The main features at a glance.
MOXIS comes with a ton of features and functions for the best possible signature experience. Learn more about the possibilities of the leading eSignature platform.