It’s best to sign right where you are.

Sign resolutions independent of place and time

Digital enterprise processes are often only efficient until they have reached the management board level. The fundamental decisions always take time if they require an authorized signature. Signature folders with management board resolutions are circulated over an unnecessarily long time through the company until all legally valid paper-based signatures have finally been obtained.

With MOXIS, XiTrust has developed a transparent solution that ensures at all times a full overview of documents to be signed. Then it can be determined much more quickly where the “hold up” is. With MOXIS, the authorized signer always has the documents available at a central point, where the status and previous signatures can be continuously reviewed.


Independence in terms of time and location

Standardized and well-organized document administration

No more paper print-out for a legal signature


»I can sign with MOXIS, whenever and wherever I want to. Why should I get back to the office if it is not absolutely necessary?«

Werner Bogendorfer

Director Health and Innovation, VAEB (Insurer for Railways and Mines)

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