MOXIS in human resources.
Among the most sensitive processes within a company are all matters relating to human resources. Because here it is about people. This once again raises the standards of functioning processes. The larger the company, the more complex processing overhead is in all personnel issues. This in turn is related to the large number of process participants and regulatory requirements for each individual procedure.
AWO (“Workers Welfare Association“) is among Germany‘s largest employers. With nearly 150,000 full-time employees, AWO is not only one of the most significant worker welfare associations in Europe, it also enjoys one of the richest traditions: Established in 1919, the history of AWO also reflects the history of Germany and Europe in the 20th century.
»For us, XiTrust MOXIS is an important building block for digitisation as a whole. MOXIS adapts optimally to our decentralised corporate structure!«
Holger Wilhelm
Commercial CEO AWO Saarland e.V.
Simplification of processes
AWO Saarland actively works with MOXIS, which provides the welfare association with valuable support, especially in personnel matters. In a company of this size, for example, the legislator prescribes a precisely defined, timely procedure in the event of a recruitment. The parties involved in the process are those responsible for the facilities, the central HR department, data protection and the works council. Process accuracy and process stability as well as transparency for all those involved in the process are thus the central components.
The goal was to use MOXIS to simplify and accelerate the internal approval processes, which are characterised by a large number of individual steps. In the event of a hiring, the AWO uses the so-called “routing slip”. A document that in the past was paper-based, created partially manually and forwarded by mail.
Run, note, run!
“The route card contains the entire personnel procedure, from the application materials, right down to the approvals of all persons required to bear signature“, explains Holger Wilhelm, Commercial Managing Director at AWO Saarland. “The overriding factor for route cards, in addition to deadlines to be met, is the topic of completeness. If this criterion is not met, the route card is sent back and the process starts all over again.“
In the past, this repeatedly led to unnecessary delays of up to a week. “With XiTrust MOXIS, we have gained optimal transparency: An incomplete route card is re-issued within five minutes.“ What‘s more: The current status of the route card is always visible for all participants.
Managing Director Wilhelm is satisfied: “With MOXIS, we can now digitally re-create the entire process routine!“ For AWO Saarland, this form of process optimisation is yet another example of modern resource management.
Christoph Schomberg, Senior Editor at XiTrust