More power with MOXIS.

eSigned by MOXIS Logo

Construction, transport and traffic.

More Power with MOXIS.

Effektivere Prozesse, glücklichere Kund:innen:
Digitalisieren Sie Ihre Signatur-Workflows mit MOXIS.

Effektivere Prozesse, glücklichere Kund:innen: Digitalisieren Sie Ihre Signatur-Workflows mit MOXIS.

Construction, transport and traffic.

Construction, transport and traffic companies are already digitizing their document process with MOXIS. When will you start?

Building on electronic signatures.

There are competencies that cannot be fully digitized. This makes it all the more important to equip their environment with digital tools that promote the core business. One example is the work of Austro Control’s air traffic controllers. They need to be perfectly served. The construction industry is also working with more and more digital tools, for example when it comes to keeping a construction diary more transparently and securely and replacing paperwork on construction sites with transparent solutions on the screen.

Wherever the depth of networking determines the success of a business, MOXIS is the right tool. Because every signature is a decision that accelerates individual work steps and ensures one hundred percent traceability.

Unique features to bring your
signature processes to the next level.

Map roles and define your own groups of signers

Create, save and share templates

Customized Branding according to your wishes

Compliance with all requirements of the eIDAS and ZertES regulations

Logo Austro Control

»What makes XiTrust really strong is the balance between a great off-the-shelf product and adaptability to our needs.«

Markus Pleil

Service Manager, Austro Control

In Practice .

MOXIS takes off

Markus Pleil is Service Manager at Austrian air navigation service provider Austro Control. He and his team of internal and external employees provide the cloudbased ...
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A tool you can build on

With MOXIStoolkit, the signing function is completely integrated into existing internal enterprise systems. The use of electronic signature essentially runs behind the scenes.
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