Handschriftlich Signieren

Personal handwriting in the digital age

A person's handwriting is unmistakable - just like an electronic signature. Graphologists have been analysing handwriting and checking the authenticity of signatures for centuries.

A person’s handwriting is unmistakable – just like an electronic signature. Graphologists have been analysing handwriting and checking the authenticity of signatures for centuries. But what significance does handwriting still have in the digital age? Are there any links between electronic signatures and the craft of graphology? We talked about this with Viennese graphologist Elisabeth Charkow.

With MOXIS, you can visualise your own individual signature. This function is based on the understanding that a signature is unmistakable and can be clearly assigned. Ultimately, it is about authenticity and data authenticity. Here, there are exciting links with the traditional craft of graphology: analysing individual characteristics in handwriting not only verifies the authenticity of the signature, but also personality traits. Individual characteristics can include font size, the spelling of individual letters, writing speed and much more. If you ask the qualified graphologist Elisabeth Charkow what graphology actually is, she answers with her own definition, which has matured over several decades as a professional. “Graphology is the study of writing and how it develops and changes.” Today, Kharkov primarily supports HR departments with her work. Her reports focus on identifying significant personality traits in handwriting. ” While my findings are never decisive on their own, they do make a contribution when it comes to analysing the personality and characteristics of applicants.” She also conducts handwriting comparison analyses to investigate the authenticity of manuscripts. “Writing by hand is more: it is a cultural achievement, an emotional process that can in turn contribute to a person’s personal development.” Elisabeth Charkow, qualified graphologist

Developing personality

Besides the ability to write and use a writing instrument, analysing handwriting requires something else: a common, culturally-bound writing system. A complex business, because handwriting is subject to constant change over the course of a person’s life – parallel to their personal development and as a result of the ageing process. If they do not, this can also be seen in their handwriting. Elisabeth Charkow: “If an adult still has the handwriting from their primary school days, this can tend to indicate stagnation – but often also that written expression does not play a central role in everyday life.”

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Writing is movement

Handwriting is always the result of movement. The sequence of movements involved in handwritten signatures is just as characteristic as a fingerprint. Therefore, the writing movement can be used for biometric signatures because they can be clearly assigned to a signatory. In order to be able to evaluate a handwriting graphologically, graphologists also analyse writing form, writing style and frame fit. How much space does a signer take up? This also varies from person to person, just like fingerprints. As with biometric signatures, the thickness of the imprint of the writing instrument and the angle at which it is written must be deciphered individually.

Verifying authenticity

To determine the authenticity of a signature, the graphologist uses the same tool that is also used to verify a digital signature: comparison. Electronic signatures can be checked for authenticity and validity by comparing hash values using a public key infrastructure (PKI), thereby protecting the integrity of a document. Experts such as Elisabeth Charkow compare them with existing signatures that have been verifiably executed by a person in order to prove authenticity. While the work of graphologists today primarily fulfils an advisory function and usefully complements other methods, only a qualified electronic signature can stand up in court as an alternative to handwriting. For veterans like Elisabeth Charkow, the protection of handwriting therefore has another dimension: “In the course of comprehensive digitalisation, handwriting is less important than it was just a few years ago – which represents enormous gains in efficiency for companies, especially in signature processes. But writing by hand is more than that: it is a cultural achievement, an emotional process that can in turn contribute to a person’s personal development.” However, Elisabeth Charkow remains reluctant to join in with a culturally pessimistic canon: “If you believe the criticism of several centuries, handwriting has been doomed to die since the invention of printing. I think it is all the more important today to accept the coexistence of digital and handwritten forms of expression!”

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