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Shaping the digital future

XiTrust at the CIO Congress in Bad Loipersdorf. How the electronic signature supports businesses' digitalisation agenda.

The CIO Congress took place for the 20th time in Bad Loipersdorf from 9 to 11 October. It was a packed event: 300 participants, 50 workshops and the expertise of over 80 speakers on this year’s theme of “Shaping the digital future together”. “The CIO Congress remains one of the most important industry get-togethers for IT decision-makers,” says Sales Manager Omid Shaker, who talked about electronic signatures and the vision of a paperless office on behalf of XiTrust. Shaker: “The participants want to know: How is digitalisation changing the way we work now and in the future? All industries are equally affected by this.”

New job profiles

The CIO Congress once again underlined the fact that digitalisation has created completely new job profiles and job descriptions in businesses. Cloud automation and digitalisation managers are gradually filling the gap created by the rapid transformation of companies in recent years. The question, which was also omnipresent at the CIO Congress in Bad Loipersdorf, seemed only logical: how do you attract scarce specialists and retain them long-term? For many companies, it is therefore also about identifying opportunities for an optimised work-life balance amid the digital transformation. “Electronic signatures can provide sustainable support for new work concepts,” says Manager Shaker. “It starts with being able to sign an employment contract as quickly as possible with a legally valid signature. And this is done electronically.”
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Signing contracts even faster

In fact, the time advantage when signing remotely can become the decisive factor. Shaker: “Companies are competing for young, highly qualified specialists, so digitalisation in HR can be decisive for a successful HR policy.” A legally valid electronic signature, which can be provided within minutes, ultimately relieves companies of the time-consuming postal route – which is no longer an option for many young skilled workers. “With electronic signatures, for example in MOXIS, it takes no time at all,” says Shaker. “In Loipersdorf, it was simply fun to see how digitalisation has raised awareness for more efficient work structures!” The dialogue at C-Level continues: the next congress in Loipersdorf – Security & Risk Management – will take place on 22/23 March 2023.

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Don’t scribble, just sign.

Save your paper for the really good ideas. Sign digitally with MOXIS.

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The MOXIS Spring Release 2024 will make digital signing with MOXIS even easier, more efficient and more individual.

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