Schweiz komplett: neuer Standort von XiTrust in der Schweiz

Switzerland complete – with XiTrust AG

Since April 2021, XiTrust AG has completed XiTrust's presence in the DACH region with its location in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

XiTrust AG has been present in Switzerland since April 2021. The branch thus completed the company’s presence in the DACH region. And expanded its portfolio with exciting new customers such as UNICEF. A change in the law now facilitates the use of qualified electronic signatures.

A market with its own laws

XiTrust has now been represented by the Swiss XiTrust AG in Teufen near St. Gallen for one year. A year that has shown that the Swiss market has its own laws. A year that has at the same time been exciting for XiTrust due to the bandwidth in its customer base. “We have been present in Switzerland with MOXIS for quite some time,” says XiTrust CEO Georg Lindsberger. “By founding the Swiss AG, we have once again moved a good deal closer to our existing customers and to our new Swiss customers.”

In addition to companies from the financial sector, these are in particular international players such as Lenz & Staehelin, a specialist in EU business law and the first point of contact for foreign clients in the Swiss Confederation. The range of clients has grown in fascinating ways in this one year: “We are particularly proud that with the children’s aid organisation UNICEF Switzerland Liechtenstein, a world-class non-profit company now also works with MOXIS,” says Georg Lindsberger.

Not eIDAS, rather ZertES

Switzerland occupies a special position within Europe in legal matters. In contrast to the countries of the EU, the issuing of personal certificates is not based on the eIDAS Regulation, but on the Swiss signature law ZertES. It forms the legal framework for electronic signatures in Switzerland. Thanks to the long-standing partnership with Swisscom, MOXIS is 100% compatible for the Swiss market, as the signing service of Swisscom Trust Services is integrated into the product.

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On-premises as USP

“MOXIS is a mature product in every respect that positively reflects decades of experience with electronic signatures,” says Marcel Kurz, International Growth Manager at Swisscom Trust Services. “MOXIS is above all one thing: complete.” What Marcel Kurz means by this quickly becomes clear when you look at the requirements of individual Swiss customers of XiTrust. Take Lenz & Staehelin, for example: the legal firm was urgently looking for a signature solution that also allows on-premises operation in addition to various cloud solutions. “Only a minority of the solutions offered for professional electronic signatures can do this,” says the Swisscom manager. “For MOXIS, this is a decisive plus point in Switzerland.”

XiTrust customer Lenz & Staehelin came across MOXIS in the Swisscom Trust Services partner list. “We needed not only a solution that we could run on our in-house servers, but at the same time one that could display qualified electronic signatures (QES) anywhere in Europe,” recaps Davide Cortorreal, IT manager at the legal firm. In dealing with its international clientele, QES is standard for Lenz & Staehelin. In this segment, says Davide Cortorreal, MOXIS from XiTrust was unrivalled.

As a purely European solution, MOXIS also offers comprehensive legal security, especially with regard to data protection, which US-based providers, for example, cannot offer in a comparable way: Within the framework of the Cloud Act, they must in principle allow access to European data by US authorities.

Legislative change as a gamechanger

Additional impetus for MOXIS now comes from the Swiss legislator. “Since March of this year, the previous procedure for obtaining digital identities has been simplified and with it the use of qualified electronic signatures,” says Swisscom manager Marcel Kurz. “Where we were previously able to trigger personalised certificates exclusively on the basis of a personal face-to-face identification procedure, this can now also be done within ten minutes using the video identification procedure, as well as the auto-identification procedure via mobile phone – services that Swisscom Trust Services AG makes easily available via its product portfolio. A real gamechanger for electronic signatures in Switzerland!” Certainly also one that owes much to the experiences during the Corona crisis. “Ability to act is now more than ever a remote issue,” says Kurz. “And the fact that MOXIS has recently also been listed in the SAP Store means that the solution scores additional points in Swisscom’s partner list.”

Background: Swisscom Trust Services

Swisscom Trust Services is the only European provider to offer a qualified electronic signature in the legal areas of the EU (eIDAS Regulation) and Switzerland (ZertES Signature Act). Through identity-based services that are completely digitalised without media disruption, Swisscom Trust Services makes it easier for its partners and end customers to implement innovative business models. The Signing Service enables partners and customers to implement an uncomplicated extension of individual business solutions. In this way, processes that previously had to be carried out on paper can be digitised in a legally compliant manner. The Smart Registration Service is the central component for the identification and registration of users. Different identification methods (SRS Video, SRS Bank, SRS Direct or SRS eID) are bundled in one service: They allow simple and legally compliant identification for qualified electronic signatures.

Swisscom Trust Services AG is a wholly owned subsidiary of Swisscom, the leading telecommunications company in Switzerland.

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